Using visual social media marketing to boost metrics

I knew we were in trouble when lol, ttyl, brb and lmao made it into our standard language. While I refuse to use such verbosities (fine- lol slipped a handful of times) on or off my phone, I do agree with ditching the content all together for a photo or graphic to boost social media metrics.

Visual social media marketing using video, images and other visual content (like infographics) to help your messages stand out from the noise and clutter to more effectively reach your audience. It’s a system that’s worth adopting. Photos on Facebook get up to seven times more Likes (and ten times more Shares), images are the most retweeted links on Twitter and 81 comments are made by users on images posted on Instagram every second. After all, according to #VSMM, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, images are processed 60,000x faster than text, and 40% of people simply respond better to visual communication than text.

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